Number of flights by scientists
Reasons for academic air travel
Implementation of flight reduction measures
Willingness to reduce flights
Business‑related flight volume of scientists prior to the COVID‑19 pandemic and 2022 (Survey 2023)
Importance of the implementation of flight reduction measures at the own institution (2022: scientists, N=657 | 2023: scientists, N=1805)
Willingness to change behaviour to avoid air travel (2022: scientists, N=657 | 2023: scientists, N=1805)
Reasons for academic air travel by scientists (scientists, N=657)
Air travel before COVID‑19
Air travel 2022
Average number of business‑related flights per year before COVID‑19 pandemic
Number of business-related flights in 2022
Business‑related flight volume of scientists prior to the COVID‑19 pandemic and 2022
Survey 2023; Scientists, N=1805
Survey 2023; Scientists, N=1805
Survey 2023
Survey 2022
Survey 2023
Reasons for academic air travel by scientists
Reasons for academic air travel by scientists
Reasons for academic air travel by scientists
scientists, N=657
scientists, N=1805
scientists, N=657 | scientists, N=1805
Survey 2022
Survey 2023
Importance of the implementation of flight reduction measures at the own institution
Importance of the implementation of flight reduction measures at the own institution
Importance of the implementation of flight reduction measures at the own institution
2022: scientists, N=657
2023: scientists, N=1805
2022: scientists, N=657 | 2023: scientists, N=1805
Survey 2022
Survey 2023
Willingness to change behaviour to avoid air travel
Willingness to change behaviour to avoid air travel
Willingness to change behaviour to avoid air travel
2022: scientists, N=657
2023: scientists, N=1805
2022: scientists, N=657 | 2023: scientists, N=1805