New FlyingLess Report on GHG emissions reporting of air travel in academic institutions
The urgency to reduce carbon emissions is growing. Academic institutions need to address the issue of air travel reduction, since air travel is a significant contributor to their overall greenhouse gas footprint. Universities in Germany are being requested to adopt strategies to reduce their carbon
emissions. Some already have established processes to monitor their progress. The FlyingLess project aims to reduce academic air travel, recognising that international exchange is essential to the excellence of research institutions.
This report highlights the importance of a systematic approach to monitor flight-related emissions, aligning with federal policies and sustainability targets. While universities are creating frameworks to track emissions, challenges such as gaps in data collection and inconsistent reporting persist. The
FlyingLess GHG monitoring tool uses a consistent monitoring system based on actual travel data and emission factors, advocating for clear system boundaries to ensure consistency across institutions. Tools like the FlyingLess GHG monitoring tool help define and track emissions and identify high-frequency travel patterns. Initial results showing a wide variability of emissions depending on the institution's size and international engagement. At present, a significant challenge is the collection of data, which is due to incomplete travel records, inconsistent data acquisition and a lack of stakeholder engagement. Standardisation across institutions is also problematic. The true challenge in overcoming these obstacles lies in defining reduction targets and developing instruments to achieve them.
The report offers recommendations to enhance GHG monitoring, emphasizing the need for accurate data, harmonised methods, policy alignment, and institutional commitment to achieve meaningful emission reductions.
Zenodo DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14869959